Hi, I'm Adam (that's me on the right)
I am primarily a digital artist and web developer, I also photograph, paint and sculpt.
Prior to my career as an artist/developer, I was an engineer for three years and a wine merchant for seven.
I'd always had a strong interest in computers and I had always drawn and painted. When I first applied for a job in this field, I already had a portfolio of Commodore Amiga artwork. It was with this that I secured my first creative appointment.
Adam Dorman / DESIGNER
Understanding Smoothing groups in 3DMAX
Smoothing Groups....friend or foe?
This small panel can either be your best friend or your worst nightmare. Treated with respect it can easily smooth your mesh for you without really breaking into a sweat. On the other hand, it has the amazing ability to really screw things up too.
So what are smoothing groups?...
ADSOFTHEWORLD : Advertisers' published idea pool
Ads of the World (AotW) is an advertising library and community site owned by Jupitermedia Corporation.
On the front page advertisements from around the world will be posted daily for your inspiration and enjoyment. You are encouraged to comment and rate them.
VISITFind Famous Logos in Vector Formats
Best brands of the World is the most comprehensive resource and one of the most visited web sites where visitors can browse and access copies of the world's famous brands and logos. Through our site, visitors will be able to access and obtain Vector format versions of thousands of brands and logos for use in the mock-ups and presentations pending the permission of the copyright owner(s). Best Brands of the World is also a great resource center for designers to upload their own logo design works and professional details to showcase their work and latest design styles.
Macintosh History
"On January 24, 1984, Apple announced the Macintosh to their Board of Directors and to the world. And the computer world has never been the same."
FREEHAND SOURCE : Freehand History : Birth & Retirement [?]

This is a page dedicated to a fantastic program that " its history is so old as history of the personal computers". Here to common problems with both Macintosh and Windows versions of FreeHand™ also wide archive for software's story.
Site Author : Ian Kelleigh
Luce Digitale
Luce Digitale was born in year 2000 in order to research and develop new solutions for graphic arts, either traditional or digital, static or moving . Through our activity we coordinate and collaborate with the best professionals of computer science in order to supply a service of highly technical and artistic skill.
Single View Reconstruction
This is the home page of the jSVR project. It is a java implementation of a semi-automatic process for identifying and exporting three-dimensional information from a single un-calibrated image. It is based on previous publications of A. Criminisi, A. Zisserman and others. In the section "svr theory" there is a brief presentation of the principals behind single view reconstruction, using perspective information of an image. Single View reconstruction is a technique that can have various applications in different areas of interest. From acquiring metric information from low quality images, to reconstructing scenes from paintings. The process of reconstructing an image is semi-automated and can be really tricky for the user, who is requested to define and/or fine tune a set of difficult to understand parameters. Depending on the goal, the demands to the reconstruction technique differ. In the original work the goal was to test the proposed methodology in the relevant literature and to implement the techniques into an application that could reconstruct an image. The new goal of svr is to provide a user-friendly and intuitive way for reconstructing images, as well as to improve the existing implementation to produce better results. Determining the correct vanishing points with an automatic algorithm would be a great improvement to the whole process.
Artbeats Commercial Footages
....Artbeats offers a unique variety of subject matter at a quality that you won't find anywhere else. Our footage is royalty-free with unlimited use and licensed for broadcast worldwide, in perpetuity.
We are confident that you will be pleasantly surprised with the quality of our footage. Whether it's film originated, computer generated or HDCAM/SR, Artbeats delivers the quality of film in digital format. Our production cycle and processes are the secret to great looking imagery. Artbeats has distanced itself from the competition by creating a production cycle that preserves the integrity and quality of the footage. After transfer from film to the digital realm, dust, scratches and other artifacts are removed from every frame of our film-sourced footage. We also stabilize clips that have excessive gate weave or other movement problems....
Marta Dahlig’s gorgeous ‘Umbrella Sky’
Marta Dahlig takes us through the creation of the EXOTIQUE 3 cover image.
Marta Dahlig’s gorgeous ‘Umbrella Sky’ image was unanimously chosen for the cover of Ballistic Publishing’s EXOTIQUE 3, and after submitting, Marta continued to improve on perfection. Here, she takes us through her process of building on a dream.
Ballistic Publishing..
About Ballistic Publishing !
... to producing books of highest quality celebrating the talents of digital artists worldwide. Ballistic Publishing is an independent publisher based in Adelaide, South Australia, with offices in Melbourne (Victoria, Australia) and Tampa (Florida, USA)....
It's possible to preview all of any book before buying it..
This site is about some cheating mails on net from Nigeria.. Also I have received one... read..
Have you ever received an email from a stranger in Nigeria promising you millions of dollars? - You should just delete it, because it is a pack of lies.
However, some people answers them, and they soon find out that they have to pay some fee in order to get the millions. Then comes the second fee, and the third fee, etc etc. No one has ever received the millions, but many have lost a lot of money, and some have even got killed.
This so called "Advance Fee Fraud" has become an industry in Nigeria, and the surrounding countries. Another common name is "419 fraud" after Section 419 of the Nigerian Penal code, the section that specifically prohibits this type of crime.
The fraud is difficult to stop, but we can have some fun, and have the criminals use their time in vain. That is called scambaiting.
I'm K.jun(Hyung Jun Kim) I started CG in 1997, so it has almost been 10 years.
I majored painting in college and one day I was not satisfied in just drawing with brush and pencil, then I came across to hear that it is possible to make animation on my own. That is when I got mesmerized by the charms of 3D.
One year after starting 3D, my first trailer “Mirror” won the gold prize at the first Korea computer art association. Since then I had the opportunity to participate... 97bzo(Eun hee choi) I started 3D from a very simple reason. 8 years ago, I needed a turning point and unexpectedly it turned out to be 3D. I started without any expectation but learning 3D very exciting and it was like waiting for art class at school when I was a child. I became to believe that my new work will be able to present me with something valuable in my life. After preparing a portfolio, I applied for many positions and one ani..
12 Javascript Image Galleries
Search, share and publish your documents... Great site.. All files in PDF format and the site has a really huge archive... Scribd is a Silicon Valley startup creating technology that makes it easy to share documents online. You can think of Scribd as a big online library where everyone can publish original content, including you! Part of the idea behind Scribd is that everyone has a lot of documents sitting around on their computers that only they can read. With Scribd we hope to unlock this information by putting it on the web.
How to rotate an image in web page : Javascript
swfIR (swf Image Replacement) is here to solve some of the design limitations of the standard HTML image and its widely-accepted associated CSS values, while still supporting standards-based design concepts. Using the dark arts of JavaScript and Flash, swfIR gives you the ability to apply an assortment of visual effects to any or all images on your website. Through progressive enhancement, it looks through your page and can easily add some new flavor to standard image styling.
Nuri Bilge Ceylan. Director
After graduating from Boğaziçi University with a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering, he went on with his studies on cinema for two years at Mimar Sinan University. His first short film Koza (Cocoon) was screened in the Cannes Film Festival in 1995. He received many awards with his debut feature Kasaba (Small Town). His third feature Uzak (Distant) received many awards including the Grand Jury Prize and the Best Actor Prize at Cannes, and was praised internationally. His latest film Iklimler (Climates) won the FIPRESCI Movie Critics' Award at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival and received international praise by critics and experts. The film won 5 awards at the 2006 Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival, bringing him the "Best Director" title.[1] During the preparation of this movie, Ceylan turned his attentions to photography again....
* Koza (Cocoon) (1995)
* Kasaba (Small Town) (1998)
* Mayis Sikintisi (Clouds of May) (2000)
* Uzak (Distant) (2002)
* Ä°klimler (Climates) (2006)
* Hayaller (Dreams) (2008)
INFORMATIONAL SOURCE : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuri_Bilge_Ceylan
VISIT Nuri Bilge Ceylan's page
Daniel Brickman
Daniel Brickman : artworks and information
Zagreb / Croatia
"I’m a Computer Graphics Artist and founder of Studio Lampion in Berlin, Germany. Friends say I look like Guybrush Threepwood, so he’s here for now
My whereabouts change rather frequently, as I never find myself in the same spot for more than a few years… so far I’ve made it to India, East Africa, Japan, China, Germany and the United States. Now I’m back in Germany working in my own animation studio and if things go as planned, I’ll be sticking around for a while.
I started out with computer graphics when I was around 10 years old, experimenting with Deluxe Paint II on a 286 with just 16Mhz. Later on my interest in 3D animation was sparked, which prompted me to learn a strange software named Reflections 3D, a remarkable piece of work of which anyone I’ve ever spoken to denies any knowledge whatsoever - and I don’t blame them, because it’s definitely something to be avoided. As much as I like to swear and curse about Maya’s Mental Ray “integration” today, we’ve sure come a long way since then… "
VZOchat is a free live video chat community. It connects you to 317231 users from around the world, many of whom share your interests and are looking for more friends.
SENTINEL'S REPORT : After wasting time in a chat program like MSN that has a lot of unnecessary features that may be a nightmare for the ones who has a small capacity PC and internet connection, VZO is a light program for Video chat that may make you fell relaxed... Happy and peaceful ...! :-) VZO doesn't have any complicated functions but "bandwith control feature for video stream" ..This allows you to change the quality of video and streaming amount of KB s that will prevent video's freezening while chatting...
I also use it on a Pentium III 450 Mhz with 512 MB RAM wihout troubles...
HOTT NOTES : free sticky notes reminder program
hott notes is the free sticky notes reminder program for your desktop. Totally free. No ads. No spy-ware. Not only can you post sticky note reminders, you can make checklists, set alarms, draw on your notes, and archive. Pumped? Download away! Features Remind Place notes on your desktop, reminding you of important events everytime you use the computer. List Create checklists to keep track of what you've done and what you have left to do. Scribble Draw crazy pictures to decorate your desktop, or use your Tablet PC to write notes with a stylus. Scribble notes can be any size and stretched to your liking. Style hott notes have a simple, yet pleasant interface. Choose any color, font, or translucency level for your notes. Also, create and use themes. Edit Editing notes is easy and non-obstructive. Just double-click the note body, edit it, and hit "Done" when you're finished. Manager Managing a large number of notes is easy. A Note Manager allows you view your desktop, wastebasket, and archived notes and perform batch operations on them. Remember, its hott notes, not 'hot notes'.
PC Teleprompter & Display Software Homepage
WHAT IS A TELEPROMPTERA teleprompter (also known as an autocue) is a display device that prompts the person speaking with an electronic visual text of a speech or script. Using a teleprompter is similar to the practice of using cue cards. The screen is in front of the lens of the camera, and the words on the screen are reflected to the eyes of the speaker using a one-way mirror
(Note that this is only true in principle — when the space between the lens and the mirror is covered in a shroud, an ordinary glass pane will work as a one way mirror).
As the speaker does not need to look down to consult written notes, he or she appears to have memorized the speech or be speaking spontaneously, and will look directly into the camera lens. Cue cards, on the other hand, will always be placed away from the lens axis, making the speaker look at a point beside the camera, which leaves a "distracted" impression.
SOURCE : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teleprompter
SENTINEL'S REPORT : SENTDIGITRAX has a lot of different costumized Telepromter softwares... Note that I have tried to find this kind of software for a long time but it was so hard ... This are really something usefull for who look for it...
This is the best dock software I have seen o net... Description about program below..
"RocketDock is a smoothly animated, alpha blended application launcher. It provides a nice clean interface to drop shortcuts on for easy access and organization. With each item completely customizable there is no end to what you can add and launch from the dock.
Now with added Taskbar support your minimized windows can appear as icons on the dock. This allows for better productivity and accessibility."
* Minimize windows to the dock
* Real-time window previews in Vista
* Running application indicators
* Simple drag-n-drop interface
* Multi-monitor support
* Supports alpha-blended PNG and ICO icons
* Icons zoom and transition smoothly
* Auto-hide and Popup on mouse over
* Positioning and layering options
* Fully customizable
* Completely Portable
* ObjectDock Docklet support
* Compatible with MobyDock, ObjectDock, RK Launcher, and Y'z Dock skins
* Runs great on slower computers
* Unicode compliant
* Supports many languages and can easily be translated
* A friendly user base :)
* And best of all... its FREE!!!"
* background
A shorthand property for setting all background properties in one declaration
background-color | background-image | background-repeat | background-attachment | background-position
body { background: #FF0000 }
body { background: url(stars.gif) no-repeat top }
body { background: #00FF00 url(stars.gif) no-repeat fixed top }
* background-attachment
Sets whether a background image is fixed or scrolls with the rest of the page
scroll | fixed
body { background-image: url(stars.gif); background-attachment: fixed }
* background-color
Sets the background color of an element
color-rgb | color-hex | color-name | transparent
p { background-color: #00FF00 }
* background-image
Sets an image as the background
url(URL) | none
body { background-image: url(stars.gif); background-color: #000000 }
* background-position
Sets the starting position of a background image
top left | top center | top right | center left | center center | center right | bttom left | bottom center | bottom right | x% y% | xpos ypos
{ background-image: url(stars.gif);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: top left
background-image: url(stars.gif);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 0% 0%
* background-repeat
Sets if/how a background image will be repeated
repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat
background-image: url(stars.gif);
background-repeat: repeat-x
1000s of Free Photoshop Plugins & Filters MegaList
Long list of Free Photoshop Plugin along with a summary of what you will find on each of these sites. Amongst all of these sites you will be able to find 1000s of Photoshop plugins and filters so I hope that you have some time on your hands.
Almathera Plugins : Cybia Plug-In Filters : DCFilters : Des Filtres : .......
Yazooy isn't a new type of kazoo, or a funny named search engine. Yazooy is a website specializing in Art Resources for graphic designers, web developers, and photoshop enthusiasts. Primarily, Yazooy.com specializes in Adobe Photoshop Styles. Additionally, you're likely to find add-ons both free and commercial for Adobe Photoshop 7.0, CS, CS2, Elements, Illustrator, and other great artist programs. Products include styles (one click effects), actions (batch operations), series of vector shapes, brushes for photoshop, textures, patterns, and gradients.
HotScripts.com is an Internet directory that compiles and disseminates Web programming-related resources. HotScripts.com is geared toward webmasters and programmers who are looking to enhance their Web sites and intranets with dynamic development tools- scripts, books, and other resources. With thousands of Web programming such resources available on the Internet today, our mission is to provide Web developers with the best centralized collection of quality programming information and resources in the most convenient fashion.
"Free and commercial scripts"
Provides commercial & free templates for Joomla..
FireShot : Firefox extension
FireShot is a Firefox extension that creates and edits screenshots of web pages.
Unlike other extensions, this plugin provides a set of editing and annotation tools, which let users quickly modify captures and insert text and graphical annotations. Such functionality will be especially useful for web designers, testers and content reviewers.
Screenshots can be saved to disk (PNG, JPEG, BMP), copied to clipboard, e-mailed and sent to external editor for further processing.
Tired of silly utilites that grab only currently displayed area of the page?
FireShot extension integrates with Firefox and provides capturing both entire web page and only currently visible area
The blog: mojoBlog
The blog: mojoBlog. Open Source, Free, Joomla Friendly. Download the latest version from our files section. While you're there, grab some modules to adorn it, bling it, make it your own and start publishing your best mojo.
The files: Ground zero for cool stuff for Joomla or a8e (which is Joomla without the nested tables and a lot less bellyfat.) Currently we're featuring mojoBlog but, there's new components, modules and plugins in the pipeline later this Spring.
The wiki: The collective wisdom on all things mojo. "The manual", our online documentation for mojoBlog is getting fleshed out quickly (though perhaps not quickly enough) and should become a bookmarked prima-donna as the next wave of mojobloggers discover it's simplistic rewards.
The faqs: Our growing Q&A section devoted to helping folks get answers from other folks who found answers. From the botched ruins of our former forums we're compiling a compelling reference of information that's bound to answer some of more common questions about mojoBlog, joomla, a8e, virtuemart and sobi2.